Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 3 - Rocky Mountain high

12+ hours on the road butt is still sleeping regretfully I am not. Early in our day of driving i received the first (of many) phone calls from my Dad. He and his buddies are meeting us (we are meeting them actually) in Sturgis for a Cushman Rally (look up Cushman scooters fro more info)...anyways it seems my Dad was passing his driving time by making status updates with us every 150 miles or so. He had 30 mile lead on us most of the day until he waited for us in Colorado Springs; I guess he just couldn't stand to be apart from me any longer (or he knew we would catch him). We never did figure out why he was so interested in our location; never-the-less, this is why I am up so early, I anticipate a call from him at any moment.

The trip so far is great! Tracey and I have been just like peas and carrots!WE A the first half driving yesterday was spent listening to Jack Kerouac making his way to Denver just as we were, granted he was coming from NJ and hitchhiking in the 40's, but we were are all on the same mission: DENVER. We out his story on hold for awhile so we could listen to Doug Standhope (dirty foul funny Doug...did I mention foul, but less not forget funny). Highly recommend checking out from the Politically Correct world and giving him a listen, just make sure kids and parents are far, far away.

We said we would make the most of our travels by stopping as much as we could, but this proves to be difficult when you are trying not to drive at night and your goal is 8hrs away, not to mention you have a bored father tracking you like your competing in the Cannonball run. We did manage a couple stops in NM, Tracey bought a couple beaded something or anothers, we stop and looked a huge Casino in middle of no where (Route 66 Casino) and did manage to have lunch in Santa Fe. Lunch was not as we hoped it would be...our goal was to it a restaurant/diner I looked up on D,D,D...we settled for sushi from Whole Foods.

We arrived in Denver around 9 local time and with heavy eyes and foggy minds we searched for a Hotel that had both necessities: BAR & RESTAURANT (in that order). Holiday Inn came to our rescue. It was raining steadily by now and the Hotel parking lot was packed full with convention goers. Parking was impossible, so I had to park down the street while Tracey checked in. The hotel was full of 100s of Christian Women Conference attendees (lovely bunch of Republican women folk away from the families). We had 20 mins or less to order a late dinner and apply a heavy layer booze before they closed up shop, I did my best to ease the pain of being away from my beloved Jersey's :). Around midnight (local time) we hit the hay in hopes for another great day of adventure. Small tidbit of info: the weather up here is a little hairy..we saw on the news that there are tornado and flash flood warning around, we just don't know where.

Our leg of the journey today will take us out of Colorado, a short cruise through Wyoming's lower SE corner and into Rapid City, Sturgis and our hotel in Deadwood, SD; estimated driving time 6.5 hrs straight through...probably more ,like 8+ for the grand adventurers, your friends Michael and Tracey

(I have posted some of yesterday's pictures on my facebook page)

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